Our Background Story Fuzzy Match for google Sheets
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Who we are ?

Hello we are Small PDF Kenya and we are the developer of fuzzy lookup for Google Sheets.

Our Back ground

Our background is business intelligence and data anlytics and we have been involved majorly on CRM data migration for over 6 years.

The experience we gained from data migration made us to think of turnkey solution for large data cleaning and cleansing within a very a short of period.We designed Fuzzy lookup for sheets to be straight forward and simple but still powerful enough to meet your data cleaning and cleansing needs.

How Fuzzy Lookup for google sheets came to be

As the saying goes,necessity is the mother of invention. We have been on projects that entailed matching and joining millions of rows of data.

In most of case the data was very dirty and it required manually review so to match which would take weeks to months depending on the quality of data.

Algorithms developed

To fasten the process we started using algorithms such Damerau-Levenshtein algorith and Jaro-Winkler and eventually came with our copyright algorithm which reduced the months of data review to like 15 mins of script execution.

Fuzzy lookup for sheets is born

This learning process led us to develop the Fuzzy lookup for google sheets.

The final algorithm used on Fuzzy lookup for sheets has an accuracy way better than even the best python libraries available online.

Built on Unicorn Platform